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Nourishing Skin & Nature: Goodsense and Earthly Join Hands

Trees are more important to us than we know. They’re like the lungs of our Earth and bring numerous environmental benefits. But the rampant loss of forests has reached a...

Trees are more important to us than we know. They’re like the lungs of our Earth and bring numerous environmental benefits. But the rampant loss of forests has reached a crisis point. Millions of hectares of vital forest cover have disappeared, exacerbating the climate crisis and triggering environmental effects.

This has triggered negative environmental impacts like climate change, reduction in biodiversity, and higher carbon levels. The evidence is stark and compelling, and the stakes are as high as it gets.

Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is anticipated to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths annually from undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, and heat stress. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

In the face of such challenges, we need to make some important decisions. It's a commitment we must all make for the health of our planet and current and future generations. 

And Goodsense Superfoods has made its commitment. We’ve officially joined hands with Earthly. This collaboration isn't just about delivering superior superfood-based skincare products. In fact, it's about a shared vision of a healthier planet and healthier people. 

Keep going to learn how we’re improving your environment and how you can help.

Earthly’s Mission: Nurturing the Earth, One Project at a Time

Earthly is not just a company; it's a movement dedicated to transforming how businesses interact with our planet. 

At the heart of Earthly's philosophy lies a commitment to protect the Earth and play its role in regenerating it.

What Does Earthly Do To Meet Its Goals?

This is where it gets interesting. Earthly has a meticulously curated project marketplace that's backed by rigorous scientific research and data. 

Through this, it connects companies with initiatives that have a tangible, positive impact on the environment.  Wondering what this looks like in practice? 

✅ Comprehensive Assessment 

Earthly meticulously examines each project using 106 different factors, drawing on trusted data from partners to ensure the projects are effective and reliable.

✅ Transparent Methodology

They offer a unique evaluation that considers the project's impact on carbon levels, local biodiversity, and community benefits, aiming to understand and enhance the project's complete environmental potential.

✅ No Risk Investment

Earthly carefully selects nature-based projects backed by science, helping businesses confidently invest in actions that align with their goals for reducing carbon emissions.

Why Did Goodsense Superfoods Choose Earthly?

We decided to partner with Earthly for its commitment to quality, accountability, and a genuine positive impact. Here are some of Earthly’s attributes that align with our own mission and made this collaboration a perfect fit:

Nature-Based Quality: Commitment to high-quality projects that focus on nature restoration, ensuring that carbon removal is accompanied by a rejuvenation of ecosystems, which in turn supports societal and wildlife co-benefits.

Scientific Rigour: A robust and scientific assessment framework backs all Earthly projects. This framework has the endorsement of an Independent Scientific Board of Advisors and is further verified using satellite technology, ensuring transparency and effectiveness.

Earthly Certified Impact: Earthly's certification isn't just about neutralising your carbon footprint; it's about going further. Their aim is to create a climate-positive impact by restoring nature and removing at least 110% of the carbon a company produces.

Our Commitment to Sustainability: Planting Trees for a Greener Tomorrow

At Goodsense, we’ve partnered with Earthly to plant trees for a healthier environment. Trees are crucial in purifying the air, cleansing our water sources, preserving the diversity of life, and supporting the livelihoods of over 1.6 billion people. 

Overall, they promote health and well-being and stabilise the global climate. Recognising this, we are thrilled to announce that we will plant a tree for every purchase made on our website. 

This initiative is our way of contributing to the health and sustainability of our planet, its diverse wildlife, and communities worldwide.

Our partnership with One Tree Planted is also a commitment to replenish what we borrow from Mother Nature. 

We are planting trees across the globe in regions that are not only significant for their biodiversity but also where many of our exceptional ingredients originate:

  • South America: In the lush landscapes of Brazil
  • Africa: Across the vibrant terrains of Tanzania, Kenya, and Ghana
  • Asia: Within the rich ecosystems of Indonesia

This global tree-planting endeavour symbolises our promise to promote and enhance global sustainability. We eagerly anticipate sharing the impact of this initiative with you, revealing the number of trees we have planted by the end of next year.

Understanding that 70% of consumers would alter their shopping habits towards more sustainable options, we also recognise the importance of integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business. 

Your Next Steps

Every product you purchase from us contributes to your well-being and supports a healthier planet. So, by choosing Goodsense, you're not just buying a product; you're actively participating in a movement to save our planet.

Do you want to take the first step? Explore our range here. 


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