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Does Alkaline Skincare Help You Get Radiant and Healthy Skin?

Your skin’s pH level is important in keeping it luminous, healthy, and hydrated. In fact, adding alkaline products to your skincare routine might be the best way to achieve all...

Your skin’s pH level is important in keeping it luminous, healthy, and hydrated. In fact, adding alkaline products to your skincare routine might be the best way to achieve all that.

But you’re probably wondering how. Hence, this post will tell you if alkaline skincare is your best route to naturally healthy and glowing skin.

What is Alkalising, and How Does It Affect Your Skin?

When it comes to health and skincare, alkalising refers to the process or the intention of shifting the pH level of something—be it your skin, body, or a product—to be more alkaline than acidic. 

You must know a bit about the pH scale to understand how it affects your skin. You probably already do, but let’s do a brief overview. 

The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, ranging from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline), with seven being neutral. 

Water, for example, typically has a pH close to 7, making it neither acidic nor alkaline.

An interesting fact? To get all methodical with pH, we need our test substance to be in a 'solution.' 

Easy Interpretation: We need water in the mix to measure something's pH. You know, water always has to be the soul of the party!

So, how does pH affect your skin? Here’s a brief table to help you understand better: 

pH Level

How It Affects Your Skin

Acidic (< 4.5)

Potentially irritates the skin and may exacerbate certain skin conditions like eczema

Neutral (7)  

Supports balanced skin hydration

Alkaline (7.5 - 9)

Supports the skin's natural barrier, can help retain moisture and hydrate skin, and may minimise harmful bacterial growth.

Highly Alkaline  (> 9)  

Only recommended with expert advice.


But to understand what pH level works best for you, you also need to know a bit more about the different layers of your skin.

The pH Levels of Your Skin’s Layers

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and is quite complex. It has many layers, each with a different pH level. But today, we will focus on what matters the most: the epidermis! 

Yes, that’s the top layer of your skin, with five different sub-layers!

Layer 1: Stratum Corneum

This layer is situated at the surface and comprises dead skin cells and the protein keratin. Research indicates an acidic pH of approximately 5 for this layer. 

However, to determine this pH value, its components (salts, fatty acids, and oils) must be dissolved in water; otherwise, it remains pH-neutral in its dry state.

Layer 2,3, and 4: Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum, & Stratum Spinosum

These intermediate layers of the epidermis consist of living cells. Their pH can be directly measured due to their water content. Specifically, the stratum lucidum has a nearly neutral pH of around 6.9.

Layer 5: Stratum Basale

This foundational layer interfaces with the dermis underneath. The pH for the stratum basale approximates 7.5, which corresponds to the standard pH of the human body.

These facts show that the deeper we dive into the epidermis, the more 'alive' the skin cells and the higher their pH. 

So, to truly boost your skin health, focusing on these lower, bustling layers and the supportive connective tissue below is the key to glowing, resilient skin.

So, the next time you're smearing on that serum or cream, remember – you're treating many layers of hard-working cells. And the bottom-most cells deserve products with alkalising abilities!

The Benefits of Alkalising Your Skin

It’s simple really - if you want healthy and glowing skin, you need to give your skin cells an alkaline environment. There are many benefits of alkalising your skin:

It Improves The Health of Your Cells

The ideal environment for cellular health is an alkaline one. By establishing such an environment for your skin, you provide numerous advantages:

  • Regulates Body's pH Balance: Aiming for a pH of 7.4 ensures that our skin cells operate optimally.
  • Minimises Cellular Stress: Cells experience less environmental stress in a balanced environment. This reduces the frequency of cellular turnover, allowing cells to concentrate on self-maintenance.
  • Maximises Nutrient Delivery: Every cell is linked via connective tissue, facilitating nutrient transport to the cells and removing waste. 

However, an acidic, toxin-rich connective tissue can hamper this transport, overburdening individual cells and hindering nutrient absorption.

It Reduces Your Skin’s Dehydration

Balancing skin’s pH augments the efficiency of connective tissue. This subsequently enhances cell-to-cell adhesion and optimises the functionality of excretory glands, resulting in improved skin hydration. 

A well-adhered cellular structure helps the skin retain its moisture, preventing undue dehydration.

It Improves Your Skin’s Natural Defense

Adding natural alkalising salts to skincare products promotes an environment where most harmful microorganisms struggle to thrive. 

This is due to their inability to withstand high salt concentrations. This improves your skin’s natural defence and keeps it healthy.

It Strengthens Your Connective Tissue

The skin's elasticity and suppleness largely depend on the connective tissue, especially proteins like collagen. These proteins thrive and maintain their structural integrity around a pH of 7.4. 

Drastic pH changes can misshape these proteins, which are then only renewed when the entire cell layer is replaced. A pH of 7.4 also offers an optimal balance of H+ and OH- ions, fortifying proteins like collagen in your skin through increased hydrogen bonding.

Debunking Myths About The Acidic Mantle and Alkalising

Do You Need To Maintain an ‘Acidic Mantle’?

Certain skincare brands emphasise maintaining the skin's 'acid mantle.' While the stratum corneum contains acidic compounds, it's essential to recognise that pH can only be measured in a solution. 

The skin's natural pH becomes acidic in a solution, but in its regular dry state, it isn't acidic and doesn't offer bacterial protection.

Does Alkalising Dry Your Skin Out?

The misconception that alkaline products dry out the skin often stems from ingredients like soap containing alkaline emulsifiers. These emulsifiers cause dryness, not the alkalinity itself. 

Alkalising skincare products, specifically formulated, maintain the skin's natural oils while balancing pH.

The Final Verdict

You can even get immediate results from alkalising your skin! However, significant changes typically occur after around 28 days, aligning with the natural skin turnover cycle.

In essence, alkalising skincare means naturally enjoying radiant and healthy skin.

So, if you’re ready to experience the power of alkalising your skin, you need to try our Skin Nourishing Greens blend. Every hour, our body makes over 200 million skin cells, and we believe that beautiful and healthy skin starts from within!


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