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What Are The Benefits of Using Acerola For Your Skin?

Brazil is a leading force in acerola production, with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics reporting a staggering yield of approximately 61,000 tons in 2017.  This impressive figure cements...

Brazil is a leading force in acerola production, with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics reporting a staggering yield of approximately 61,000 tons in 2017. 

This impressive figure cements the country's status as one of the world's top acerola producers.

A significant portion of Brazil's acerola bounty, about 43%, finds its way across borders, satisfying international demands, particularly in the United States, Germany, Japan, and France.

The acerola berry is sought after for a reason: its remarkable vitamin C concentration dwarfs that of any other fruit. In fact, acerola boasts up to 60 times more vitamin C than the orange, traditionally hailed as the vitamin C powerhouse.

So, what magic does this humble exotic cherry weave on our bodies, particularly our skin? We’ll tell you all about the benefits and secrets of acerola for maintaining radiant, healthy skin.

How Does Acerola Help Your Body and Skin?

It Has Antioxidant Power

The acerola berry, packed with vitamin C and polyphenols, exhibits remarkable antioxidant capabilities. 

These components help neutralise free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to ageing.

It Has Anti-Tumour and Anti-Mutagenic Benefits

Acerola's mix of vitamins and minerals contributes to its anti-tumour and anti-mutagenic properties. 

These properties support the body's ability to suppress abnormal cell growth and genetic mutations.

It Has Anti-Diabetic Effects

The nutrients found in acerola may have an impact on blood sugar regulation, aiding in the prevention and management of diabetes.

It Has Hepatoprotective Properties

Acerola provides hepatoprotective benefits, helping to preserve liver health and function. This is crucial for detoxification and metabolism.

It Helps With Skin Protection and Regeneration

Rich in vitamin B5 and other nutrients, acerola supports the protection and regeneration of skin, maintaining its resilience and integrity.

It Helps in Red Blood Cell Formation

With vitamin B9, acerola facilitates the formation of red blood cells, essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body and promoting healthy skin.

It Helps Wound Healing

Vitamin B9 also plays a role in wound healing, ensuring skin repairs itself effectively after injury.

It Helps In Collagen Production

Acerola's mineral content fosters collagen production, crucial for skin elasticity and strength, preventing sagging and wrinkles.

The Beauty Secrets of Acerola For Your Skin

Loaded with vitamin C and natural antioxidants, acerola is a treasure trove for anyone looking to boost their skin health and radiance.

It Is A Vitamin C Powerhouse for Youthful Skin

Acerola is like a natural vitamin C bomb! This essential nutrient is key to making collagen, which keeps your skin firm and supple. Vitamin C is a hero in fighting off free radicals - those pesky molecules that speed up ageing. 

So, acerola could be your go-to for a natural, youthful glow.

"Acerola's concentration of natural vitamin C can help your skin stay firm, bright, and young-looking," shares a renowned dermatologist.

It Is More Than Just Vitamin C

But wait, there's more! Acerola is also packed with carotenoids, plant pigments that are antioxidant powerhouses. These can help shield your skin from sun damage and may even keep acne and inflammation at bay. 

And let's not forget about iron and calcium, both super important for skin health. Iron helps oxygenate your skin cells, vital for their repair and renewal, while calcium plays a role in keeping your skin hydrated and maintaining its protective barrier.

Embracing Acerola for Skincare: How To Do It

Wondering how to incorporate Acerola into your skincare routine? There are plenty of ways to suit your preferences and lifestyle:

1. Acerola Juice: Your Daily Dose of Antioxidants

Sipping on acerola juice is a tasty and easy way to get your vitamin C fix. It helps with collagen production and is a refreshing addition to your diet.

2. Versatile Acerola Powder

Got powdered acerola? Sprinkle it into your smoothies, cereals, yoghurts, or even water for an antioxidant boost.

3. Pamper Your Skin with an Acerola Face Mask

For a direct skincare approach, why not try an Acerola face mask? Mix the powder with other natural ingredients and apply it to your skin. It's a fantastic way to fight ageing signs and brighten up your complexion.

4. Acerola Supplements: A Convenient Option

If you're always on the go, acerola supplements, like our Skincare Greens, could be your best bet. Just remember, chatting with a health professional before starting any supplement regime is wise.

Patience and Consistency: Keys to Results

No matter how you choose to enjoy acerola, remember that consistency is key. Regular use over time will bring out the best in your skin. 

And don't forget, pairing acerola with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will only amplify its positive effects on your skin.

Explore our Skincare Greens to get naturally radiant and healthy skin.


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